JB4 Bluetooth Wireless Phone/Tablet Connect Kit Rev 3.7 (Separate Power Wire)

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Wirelessly connect and control your JB4 with your phone! 

For use with older JB4 tuners with the square case. 

The JB4 Connect Kit (Rev 3.7) allows your Bluetooth 4.0 compatible iOS and Android devices to connect wirelessly to your JB4. View critical engine data in real time, datalog, read codes, change maps, update settings, update firmware, and more, all from the palm of your hand! The REV3 mounts next to the JB4 in the engine bay eliminating the need to run a BMS DATA cable inside the cabin. It's compatible with all JB4 products. Just plug it in to the JB4 where your BMS DATA cable connects, attach the power and ground wire to the JB4 harness using the included connectors, purchase the JB4 Mobile app, and you're off and running.


Please note the JB4 Mobile app is available for iPhone®, iOS, or Android® and sold separately via the Apple® or Android® app store on your phone. This adapter is not compatible with the JB4 windows interface.

Features & Benefits

• Connect and control your JB4 tuner wirelessly from your phone or tablet
• iPhone® and Android® compatible
• Change maps
• Read/Delete error codes
• Monitor your vehicle with your choice of over 40 live gauges
• Take logs to tune your vehicle to perfection
• Graph/email your logs to review performance
• Change user adjustment/methanol settings
• Update JB4 firmware
• Custom gauge colors/themes
• Charge your phone while using JB4 software
• Made in the USA

JB4 app sold separately in the app store. 




JB4 Wireless Connect Kit Installation

Step 1: Identify your board type




After determining your JB4 board type, select the appropriate install guide from below:

2a: Pinned Power Installation (No external blue/red wire)